In early trade on Friday, the price of 24-carat gold dropped by Rs 10, with ten grams of the precious metal experiencing a decline. Simultaneously, the price of silver decreased by Rs 1,000, and one kilogram of silver is now selling at a revised rate. The price of 22-carat gold also saw a decline of Rs 10, and ten grams of this type of gold is now priced at a revised rate. Here is a city-wise breakdown of gold prices:
24-carat Gold Prices (Per 10 grams):
- Mumbai: Rs 63,220
- Kolkata: Rs 63,220
- Hyderabad: Rs 63,220
- Delhi: Rs 63,320
- Bengaluru: Rs 63,220
- Chennai: Rs 63,710
22-carat Gold Prices (Per 10 grams):
- Mumbai: Rs 57,990
- Kolkata: Rs 57,990
- Hyderabad: Rs 57,990
- Delhi: Rs 58,140
- Bengaluru: Rs 57,990
- Chennai: Rs 58,390
Silver Prices (Per Kilogram):
- Delhi, Mumbai: Rs 73,500
- Chennai: Rs 75,000
In Mumbai, the prices for ten grams of 24-carat gold are consistent with those in Kolkata and Hyderabad. In Delhi, Bengaluru, and Chennai, the prices for ten grams of 24-carat gold are at revised rates.
For ten grams of 22-carat gold in Mumbai, the price is at par with Kolkata and Hyderabad. In Delhi, Bengaluru, and Chennai, ten grams of 22-carat gold are selling at revised rates.
In the global market, US gold prices faced challenges in gaining momentum due to trading slowdown, the closure of Chinese markets for the Lunar New Year break, a stronger dollar, and elevated Treasury yields. Despite lingering Middle East crisis concerns, spot gold remained little changed, experiencing a 0.2% decline for the week.